Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Races, Pictures, Goals, and More!

Derry Continued:

For starters, a few more photos were posted from the Derry race last month that I figured I would share, since they look less painful than the previous photos I posted!  The first photo was taken around mile 8, and the last one was taken as I was stopping my watch as I crossed the finish line:)

Old Fashioned Ten Miler: 

Since Derry, I have been working my way back from an achilles injury, and after running an entire week pain free, I participated in another race - The Old Fashioned Ten Miler in Foxborough, MA.  I entered this race months ago after encouragement from my colleague, Sue Levy.  Unfortunately, the race was bigger than I anticipated and I couldn't find her in the crowd, but I was able to run a better race than I anticipated.  

I started with a 7:58 mile...since I was aiming for 8:10-8:20 miles, I was nervous.  I became more nervous when I coasted by the second mile marker with a 7:32 mile!  I spent most of the race going up and down, finally finishing at 1:20:23 (averaging 8:02 per mile.)

My husband Will was there to cheer me on and take some pics that I'm including on my blog:)

 Upcoming Races:

DFMC cancelled a group run on March 4th - a planned 20 miler.  Knowing that I would like to run with a large group of people, I checked out some of the recommended races that are taking place that weekend and settled on the Black Cat 20 in Salem.  The run tracks up and down the coast of Salem and Marblehead, and boasts it's historic and scenic views.  I plan to run it as a workout and not as a race, but it will be interesting to see where I'm at!

For more info, check out their race site: 

On March 18th, I'll be returning to New Bedford to run the New Bedford 1/2 Marathon for the 3rd time. I love this course because I see so many people from different parts of my childhood both in the race and on the sidelines.  My goal is to not only shatter last year's time of 2:02, but to also get a personal record, and a good (objective) 1/2 marathon time before the marathon.  This will probably be my last race before the marathon, so I want to make sure it is a good one:)  For more info on the NB 1/2 Marathon, check out their website:

Fundraising Goals:

Today, I officially met my fundraising goal, raising $5404.68 so far for cancer care and research.  Thank you all so much for your continued support and helping me to surpass my goal, and believing in such a great cause.  I really believe that the money we have raised will go to helping to find a cure for cancer, a disease that unjustly robs so many families of their loved ones before they get to live their lives.  Being a part of the DFMC team has been one of the most amazing experiences of my life, and I have really been able to see how many different lives this disease continues to affect.  I cannot fully express in words how grateful I am to all of you for your help.

Even though we have met our goal, we will continue to keep fundraising.  It is not to late to donate: and we still have fundraising events and opportunities planned both before and after the marathon.  Currently, t-shirts are still on sale until March 15th!  You can click HERE to download a t-shirt order form.  Show your support by wearing it on race day, or adding your name to the back!

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